Dark bison by AJ Mac

On my recent trip to the Dakotas I got to see quite a few bison up in Theodore Roosevelt National Park and Wind Cave National Park, but both places it was fairly dark before I found them. I got home and started thinking about how I wish I could have captured better pictures of the bison. Then I remember that there is a herd of bison practically in my back yard at the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve less than a 2 hour drive from home. I went down this afternoon and… it was too dark to get good pictures. I will post what I got this weekend, and if the weather cooperates I’ll have a chance to go down again when there is better light. I also will have a longer post on the rest of the Dakotas trip soon.

Weeding out the junk by AJ Mac

Turns out there is a lot of junk in that 20k+ photos. I didn’t intend to post them all here, but I have a lot of random screen shots and many bad pictures. I have deleted a few here and there, but I also have taken a couple thousand in the mean time. I photographed the wedding of a friend and needed to do some practicing to prepare for it. I want to work on taking better pictures, but it looks like the first skill I’m going to develop is how to delete the bad ones.

21,315 backlogged photos by AJ Mac

I’m sure there are plenty of duplicates and throw aways in there, but there are plenty I will look back on and may post something on them. I’m mostly doing this for myself so if you have come here looking for entertainment you might be disappointed!